Ideas of Primary School Teachers about the Process of Teaching-Learning from the Point of View of the Theory of Activity
Received: 06/30/2024
Accepted: 11/01/2024
DOI: 10.11621/nicep.2024.0406
To cite this article:
Morales-González, M.A., Solovieva, Yu., Tapia-López, J.A. (2024). Ideas of Primary School Teachers about the Process of Teaching-Learning from the Point of View of the Theory of Activity . New Ideas in Child and Educational Psychology, 4 (3-4), 3-15. DOI: 10.11621/nicep.2024.0406
Background. According to the theory of activity when applied to learning, the processes of teaching-learning are understood to constitute psychological activities that when optimally administered, actively engage the learner. This perspective emphasizes certain types of learning activities, particularly those that are cognitive in nature, are central to the learning process. To optimize this process, the teacher must have a solid theoretical foundation and a reliable methodology, allowing their positive influence on students to stem from their own active learning and educational techniques. This study was conducted to explore the interest aroused by teachers' views on the process of teaching-learning, as well as the impact of these views on their professional activities.
Objective. A qualitative analysis of survey data provided by primary school teachers enabled the establishment of indicators that reveal the views of teachers on the process of teaching and learning, as well as the difficulties inherent in the theoretical and conceptual application of historical, cultural and theoretical approaches to the facilitation of learning activities.
Design. The survey tool that we developed is a structured discussion in the form of an online questionnaire. The categories are theoretical, methodological and practical substantiations, as well as the relationship between cultural-historical and traditional methods based on the approaches of the Ministry of Public Education.
Results. Within these categories, each teacher was studied taking into account conceptual depth, clarity of method application, coherence and consistency of theoretical and practical application. In terms of conceptual depth, some teachers demonstrate a clear understanding, while others show limited understanding. As for the application of the method, some teachers are very well versed in the principles of this methodology, while others have difficulties in applying it. In terms of integrity and consistency, some teachers show a high level of understanding of theory and practice, while others have inconsistencies in the application of theoretical and practical principles.
Conclusion. Teachers' ideas about the process of teaching-learning from the point of view of the theory of activity allow the teacher to meaningfully and comprehensively review his pedagogical activity.
Highlights- The cultural-historical approach and the theory of activity provide theoretical and practical foundations for the study of the teaching-learning process.
- The analysis is qualitative in nature, enabling the identification of key categories and areas.
- The professional activity of a teacher is very complex and should be understood as a dialectical process, which is both transformative and subject to transformation.
Актуальность. С позиций теории деятельности процессы обучения-учения понимаются как совокупность действий учащихся, управляя которыми педагог может обеспечивать активное усвоение знаний. Здесь подчеркивается, что определенные виды учебной активности, особенно те, которые носят познавательный характер, являются наиболее важными в процессе обучения. Чтобы управлять этим процессом, педагог должен иметь прочную теоретическую базу и надежную методологию, позволяющую ему оказывать положительное влияние на учащихся за счет организации их собственной деятельности с помощью адекватных образовательных технологий. Данное исследование было проведено с целью изучения представлений учителей о процессах обучения-учения, а также влияния этих представлений на профессиональную деятельность педагогов.
Цель. Качественный анализ данных опроса учителей начальных классов позволил установить показатели, которыми описываются взгляды этих учителей на процессы обучения и учения, а также трудности, связанные с применением на практике концептуальных положений культурно-исторического и деятельностного подхода к обучению.
Дизайн. Нами был разработан онлайн-опросник, включающий теоретические, методологические и практические положения культурно-исторического подхода к обучению, а также его соотношение с традиционным подходом, предлагаемым Министерством народного образования Мексики.
Результаты. Каждый педагог оценивался исходя из глубины понимания подхода, адекватности его применения, согласованности и непротиворечивости теоретического и практического аспектов использования подхода. Что касается глубины понимания, то некоторые преподаватели продемонстрировали четкое понимание, в то время как другие - довольно ограниченное. Что касается адекватности применения подхода, то некоторые педагоги очень хорошо разбирались в особенностях его использования в практике, в то время как другие испытывали трудности в его использовании. Что касается согласованности и непроииворечивости, то некоторые педагоги продемонстрировали высокий уровень понимания взаимосвязи теории и практики, в то время как у других наблюдались несоответствия теоретических принципов практическим.
Вывод. Представления учителей о процессе обучения-учения с точки зрения культурно-исторического подхода и теории деятельности позволяют учителю осмысленно и всесторонне посмотреть на свою педагогическую деятельность.
Ключевые положения- Культурно-исторический подход и теория деятельности обеспечивают теоретическую и практическую основу для исследований процесса обучения
- Проведенный анализ носит качественный характер и позволяет выявить ключевые категории и области.
- Профессиональная деятельность учителя очень сложна и должна пониматься как диалектический процесс, который одновременно является преобразующим и подвержен трансформации
Introducción. De acuerdo con la teoría de la actividad aplicada a la enseñanza, los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje y de la educación deben conformar la actividad psicológica del sujeto. Lo anterior significa que el profesor como un actor fundamental del proceso educativo, debe tener como objetivo el formar los tipos determinados de la actividad en el alumnado, principalmente de la actividad cognoscitiva. Para ello, es necesario que el profesor cuente con un bagaje teórico fundamentado y una metodología sólida lo que conlleva a que los profesores sean capaces de influir positivamente en sus estudiantes en su propio proceso de aprendizaje de manera activa y autodirigida. Esta investigación surge a partir de una inquietud acerca de las concepciones de los profesores respecto al proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje y su influencia en el desempeño profesional.
Objetivo. El análisis cualitativo de las respuestas del profesorado de primaria posibilitó identificar los indicadores que permiten conocer las concepciones de los maestros acerca del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje y observar las dificultades que existen en el manejo teórico-conceptual del enfoque histórico-cultural y de la teoría de la actividad aplicada a la enseñanza.
Diseño. El instrumento creado fue una entrevista estructurada en forma de encuesta en línea. Las categorías son la fundamentación teórica, metodología y práctica, así como la vinculación entre el método histórico-cultural y el método tradicional basado en los planteamientos de la Secretaría de Educación Pública.
Resultados. A partir de las categorías se hizo un análisis por profesor con base en la profundidad conceptual, la claridad en la aplicación del método, la coherencia y la consistencia entre lo teórico y la aplicación práctica. Respecto a la profundidad conceptual, podemos observar profesores que muestran un claro entendimiento, y por otro lado, existen profesores que mostraron una comprensión limitada. En relación con la aplicación del método, hay profesores que abordan muy bien los principios de dicha metodología y en otros existen dificultades para la aplicación de la metodología. En cuanto a la coherencia y consistencia, en algunos profesores se observa un alto nivel en la comprensión y abordaje entre lo teórico y lo práctico, en cambio en otros profesores existen inconsistencias en la alineación de los principios teóricos y prácticos.
Conclusión. Las concepciones de los profesores acerca de la actividad de enseñanza-aprendizaje desde la teoría de la actividad posibilita que el docente pueda generar una transformación reflexiva e integral de su práctica.
Destacados- El enfoque histórico-cultural y la teoría de la actividad brindan elementos teóricos y prácticos fundamentados para estudiar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje
- El análisis del estudio es de tipo cualitativo, lo que posibilitó la identificación de las categorías y ejes descritos.
- La actividad profesional del docente es altamente compleja por lo que requiere abordarse como un proceso diálectico tanto transformativo como transformador
Origines. D`après la théorie de l'activité appliquée à l'apprentissage, les processus d'enseignement-apprentissage sont considérés comme des activités psychologiques qui, lorsqu'elles sont administrées de manière optimale, engagent activement l'apprenant. Cette perspective met l'accent sur certains types d'activités d'apprentissage, en particulier celles de nature cognitive, qui sont au cœur du processus d'apprentissage. Pour optimiser ce processus, l'enseignant doit disposer d'une base théorique solide et d'une méthodologie fiable, permettant à son influence positive sur les élèves d`exercer ses propres techniques d'apprentissage actif et pédagogique. Cette étude a été menée pour explorer l'intérêt suscité par les points de vue des enseignants sur le processus d'enseignement-apprentissage, ainsi que l'impact de ces points de vue sur leurs activités professionnelles.
Objectif. L'analyse qualitative des données d'enquête fournies par les enseignants du primaire a permis d`identifier des indicateurs qui révèlent le point de vue des enseignants sur le processus d'enseignement et d'apprentissage, ainsi que les difficultés inhérentes à l'application théorique et conceptuelle des approches historiques, culturelles et théoriques de l'organisation des activités éducatives.
Conception. L'outil d'enquête que nous avons élaboré est une discussion structurée sous la forme d'un questionnaire en ligne. Les catégories sont les justifications théoriques, méthodologiques et pratiques, ainsi que la relation entre les méthodes culturelles, historiques et traditionnelles basées sur les approches du ministère de l’Éducation.
Résultats. Dans le contexte de ces catégories, chaque enseignant a été examiné au regard de la profondeur conceptuelle, la clarté de l’application de la méthode, la cohérence et l’uniformité de l’application théorique et pratique. En termes de profondeur conceptuelle, certains enseignants font preuve d’une compréhension claire, tandis que d’autres font preuve d’une compréhension limitée. Concernant l’application de la méthode, certains enseignants maîtrisent très bien les principes de cette méthodologie, tandis que d’autres rencontrent des difficultés à l’appliquer. En termes d’intégrité et de cohérence, certains enseignants font preuve d’un haut niveau de compréhension de la théorie et de la pratique, tandis que d’autres font preuve d’incohérence dans l’application des principes théoriques et pratiques.
Conclusion. Les idées des enseignants sur le processus d'enseignement-apprentissage du point de vue de la théorie de l'activité permettent à l'enseignant de revoir de manière significative et complète son activité pédagogique.
Points principaux- L'approche historico-culturelle et la théorie de l'activité fournissent des bases théoriques et pratiques pour l'étude du processus d'enseignement-apprentissage
- L'analyse est de nature qualitative, permettant l'identification de catégories et de domaines clés.
- L'activité professionnelle d'un enseignant est très complexe et doit être comprise comme un processus dialectique, à la fois transformateur et sujet à transformation
The cultural-historical approach and the theory of activity represent a theoretical and methodological model that enables a comprehensive analysis of educational reality (Solovieva et al., 2020).
One of the basic principles of the cultural-historical paradigm is the concept of development formulated by Vygotsky. In his opinion, learning leads to development, and development is itself dialectically interconnected with learning. Thus, understanding and applying these foundational elements requires in-depth theoretical knowledge (Tejeda, 2019).
The cultural-historical paradigm offers us a systematic view of the human development conditions which accounts for a variety of pedagogical considerations, so "among the most important practical results of the cultural-historical approach, some relate to the field of education" (Fariñas, 2007, p. 64). Thus, for Vygotsky, and other supporters of this approach, education has a special priority as an enculturating catalyst. Professional activity is also a form of education, as professional relationships contribute to the comprehensive development of the individual.
The theoretical basis of this study draws from the theory of activity, particularly, its application to the process of learning (Talyzina, 2019; Quintanar and Solovieva, 2020; Quintanar and Solovieva, 2022). The theory of activity arose from the cultural-historical approach. Vygotsky was its founder and most recognized representative (Olivera et al., 2020; Solovieva et al., 2020).
The general method of this theory is a formative experiment based on a conceptual description, which allows for a reasonable argument based on its own precepts; including the concept of action, which represents the minimal unit of analysis in the theory of learning activity (Solovieva et al., 2020).
Talyzina (2019) has developed an area of research in the field of activity theory applied to learning. The theoretical and methodological basis of this research enables the analysis of every action performed by a child of school age, that is, at the stage of development, when the leading activity is studying at school. At this learning level, the student's actions are considered a process led by a teacher. In other words, the process of teaching-learning, considered from a theoretical-reflective point of view, is based on the analysis of the content of the subject, as a result of which the school subject is viewed as a system of knowledge. Thus, the transition from the general to the particular is made: the participation of students is considered as dialectical activity, and actions can be gradually assimilated.
It follows that writing, reading, or mathematical calculations are not determined by a specific region of the brain or higher psychological function—on the contrary, the role of specific functional organs can be defined based on this model. This means that joint work and a combination of different factors are needed while also accounting for the different components of the personality.
Different actors are involved in this learning process: teachers, students and heads of families (Solovieva, Perez and Quintanar, 2022). Since teachers and students are the main actors (Solovieva, 2019), they should not be considered separately from each other, as the learning process requires the active and collaborative participation of all those involved in it (Morales and Solovieva, 2021).
Thanks to this approach, the process of teaching and learning is understood to be an integrated process involving both students and their teachers. In other words, it includes the teaching subject, the learning subject, and the interaction of both subjects. "We are talking about the dialectical unity of all participants in this process who form this cultural activity. They are not equal to each other, but they cannot exist without each other" (Solovieva and Quintanar, 2022, p. 94).
Activities related to learning at school have their own structure and content (Leontiev, 1975; Obukhova, 2006), which distinguish it from other types of activity. This activity determines the emergence of new formations and makes possible the personal and general psychological development of children (Davydov, 1996; Solovieva and Quintanar, 2017).
From the point of view of psychology, at this stage a person becomes an independent personality with theoretical-dialectical thinking and more volitional behavior.
At school age, specifically during primary school, the main goal is the development of cognitive activity through the formation of independent learning skills, with studying as the leading activity/ This is carried out within the framework of the socially organized process of teaching and learning. The organization of this process is carried out by the teacher, since development is impossible without properly organized teaching (Talyzina, 2019).
In this sense, the goal of primary education, according to the theory of activity applied to learning, is to introduce and facilitate the assimilation of general theoretical concepts of the fundamental sciences through dynamic teaching across various subjects (Davydov, 1988, 1996; Solovieva et al., 2020). This means that the teacher’s orientation of students should be analyzed using a method that develops continuously in the classroom. The teacher, together with their students, should guide their orientation in order to generate knowledge. Thus, we conclude that the teaching of these disciplines is not a purely didactic and technical process, but it is a research process (Solovieva and Quintanar, 2017). The role of the teacher in the teaching-learning process should not be limited to implementing programs in whose development they did not actively participate, as this places decisive responsibility on them for pedagogical activity (Diaz-Barriga, 2007). Thus, it is very important that primary school teachers understand the purpose of learning and the method required to achieve this goal (Solovieva et al., 2020). It is for this reason that the figure of the teacher and her/his professional activity arouses interest in connection with the process of teaching-learning, which is understood as a dynamic and transformative process.
The purpose of this study is to analyze the views of primary school teachers on the process of teaching-learning from the standpoint of the cultural- historical approach and the theory of activity.
The theoretical and conceptual basis of this study is the cultural- historical paradigm and the theory of activity in relation to learning. It should be specifically noted that this theoretical basis is now firmly formed, allowing the study to be conducted according to its methodology. Thus, the practical application of the methodology provides the necessary observational sensitivity to obtain data that facilitates decision-making during the analysis of information.
The questions for the semi-structured discussion with teachers, conducted in the form of a questionnaire, included the following categories: 1) theoretical substantiation, 2) methodology and practice, 3) the connection between the cultural-historical method and the method based on the approaches of the Ministry of Public Education in Mexico. Accounting for these categories, the study of each individual teacher considered:
a) conceptual depth;
b) clarity in the application of the method;
c) coherence and consistency of the theory and its practical application;
d) connection with the current educational reality;
e) originality and creativity of the teacher in relation to her/his method of teaching.
The concept of conceptual depth is directly related to theoretical substantiation. The survey answers of each teacher made it possible to assess their knowledge of this topic and the degree to which the cultural-historical model is understood. The concept of clarity in the application of methods involves determining how teachers apply the principles of the cultural-historical methodology in the classroom, aligning with the categories of methodology and practice. In order to analyze the relationship between theoretical reasoning, methodology and practice, we introduce the concept of coherence and consistency, as it is important for us to establish a relationship between these concepts and the way in which teachers describe their application in the classroom. However, the concept of relationship with educational reality enables assessment of whether the responses confirm an understanding of how the principles of the cultural-historical model are applied within the specific context of the lesson and the teaching-learning process. This includes a consideration of the challenges and opportunities that the teacher faces in her/his daily practice. Finally, within the framework of originality and creativity, we analyze the ability of the teacher to implement the concepts of the cultural-historical model in pedagogical practice while remembering to include elements of the educational model established by the Ministry of Public Education.
Data collection
The data was obtained from responses to the online survey and was subjected to qualitative analysis.
Table 1
Issues included in the discussion held
Category |
Questions |
Theoretical substantiation |
Methodology/Practice |
Interrelations between the cultural-historical method and the Ministry of Public Education |
The school in which the study was conducted is a private institution with a learning model based on activity theory and a cultural-historical approach.
Table 2 presents the socio-demographic characteristics of the teaching staff: among the participants there are six women and one man aged 25 to 40 years. The professional training of the participants is diverse: three have a diploma in Psychology, one in Educational Psychology, one in Educational Processes, one in Integrated Development of Children and one in Primary School Teaching. Teaching experience ranges from 4 to 14 years. Experience within the framework of the cultural-historical model and the theory of activity applied to teaching ranges from 0.25 to 10 years. As for training in other educational programs (college courses), four out of seven teachers mention taking such advanced training courses in connection pertaining to this model. As for the positions held in the school, one participant worked as a full-time teacher as well as the director of the primary school, the rest taught professionally within the group.
Table 2
Data on the Study Participants
No |
Age (years) |
Working experience |
Time of work within the “Teaching – Learning” model |
Diploma |
College or Training Courses |
1 |
27 |
4 |
3 |
Educational Processes |
Yes |
2 |
40 |
14 |
10 |
Psychology |
Yes |
3 |
28 |
2 |
0,5 |
Integrated Children Development |
No |
4 |
25 |
1 |
0,25 |
Psychology |
No |
5 |
37 |
4 |
1,3 |
Primary School Teacher |
No |
6 |
33 |
11 |
6 |
Psychology |
Yes |
7 |
31 |
6 |
6 |
Educational Psychology |
Yes |
A qualitative analysis of the responses allowed us to determine the depth in the five categories on which this study is based. The conceptual depth of the teachers varied from superficial to deep. Some teachers demonstrated a deep understanding of the principles of the cultural-historical model and its use in the educational process, while others demonstrated a superficial or limited understanding. Teachers who have shown deep understanding tended to provide more detailed and informed answers, demonstrating a broad understanding of the concepts and their use in the classroom. It is difficult for teachers who have shown a superficial understanding to formulate theoretical principles and implement them in their pedagogical practice.
As for clarity in the application of the principles of the cultural-historical model, the levels vary greatly. As with conceptual depth, many teachers have shown a clear and consistent application of the principles in their professional practice, as well as examples of their application and implementation in the classroom. However, other teachers found it difficult to answer how they apply the principles in their teaching activities with specificity.
The indicators also vary with respect to the coherent and consistent application of the cultural-historical model. Some teachers consistently applied the principles of this model in their teaching practice, making sure that their actions are consistent with basic theoretical foundations. These teachers tend to take a consistent approach to lesson planning, completing assignments, and evaluating academic performance. Other teachers can be inconsistent in the application of this model. This can manifest itself in the vagueness of pedagogical approaches or in the discrepancy between theoretical principles and educational practice.
Analyzing the relationship between teachers and educational reality, we have come to the conclusion that the understanding and application of the cultural-historical model in the educational context varies greatly among teachers. Some teachers demonstrate a strong connection with educational reality, effectively carrying out their pedagogical practice in accordance with the principles of the model and adapting these principles to the specific needs of their students within the contexts of the educational environment. These teachers typically demonstrate a deep understanding of current educational processes and are actively looking for ways to improve their students' learning experience through innovative research-based approaches. At the same time, however, other teachers show a weaker connection to educational reality perhaps due to a lack of comprehensive understanding of the cultural-historical model, or perhaps a limited application of its principles in the classroom. In either case, these teachers may find it difficult to adapt the model to the changing needs of students or address the specific problems they encounter in their educational environment. As a result, their ability to positively impact student learning and development may be questioned.
Finally, the originality and creativity of each teacher depended on their ability to develop and apply new pedagogical approaches in their teaching practice in a manner that stimulated the interest and participation of students. Some teachers demonstrated remarkable originality and creativity by introducing a variety of innovative strategies, interactive activities, and educational resources to enrich the teaching-learning process. Such teachers are usually open to exploring new ideas, experimenting with different pedagogical approaches, and adapting their practice to students' needs and preferences resulting in stimulating and meaningful learning experiences. However, other teachers demonstrated less originality and creativity perhaps because of a lack of experience in innovative approaches or perhaps because of a tendency to follow traditional teaching methods. In either case, these teachers may be less willing to try new ideas or adopt non-traditional pedagogical approaches, which can result in less dynamic and less attractive educational processes. In general, the originality and creativity of teachers can significantly affect their ability to engage and motivate students, as well as the overall effectiveness of their teaching practices more broadly.
These qualitative assessments allow for determining the levels of implementation across different categories represented (Theoretical Rationale, Teaching Methodology and Practice, Relationship between the Cultural-Historical Model and the Ministry of Public Education Model). Figure 1 shows the levels achieved by different teachers according to each category (to avoid identification by study participants, results are shown randomly). We can see that four teachers demonstrated a high level of knowledge of the model, while the other three have a moderate level of knowledge. In terms of teaching methodology and practice, two teachers have achieved a high level of teaching, while the other six have a moderate level. Finally, the effectiveness of teaching methods used in a particular school was rated as average for three teachers and low in the remaining four. It should be noted that it is not teachers’ work being evaluated here, but rather their self-assessment reflected in their answers. We observe a high correlation between the level of theoretical substantiation and the relationship between models: teachers with a high level of theoretical training demonstrate a high level of correlation between the studied educational models (p < 0.05). Similarly, there is a moderate correlation between the methodology and practice of teaching and the relationship between models: if the teacher demonstrates a high level of methodological skills in his pedagogical practice, it usually demonstrates a higher level of relationship between models (p < 0.1).

Figure 1. Comparison of the different qualitative levels identified for the three proposed categories, each set of 3 columns represent a given teacher.
Note. The calculated Spearman correlation represents a significant correlation between the theoretical basis and the methodology (p < 0.05) and a moderate correlation between the basis and the relationship between the cultural-historical method and the Ministry of Public Education" (p < 0.1).
The traditional model, with its focus on multiple responsibilities, affects the learning process, as the teacher misses various opportunities in daily professional activities, thereby limiting their experience. Thus, the space for creativity and knowledge exchange happens to be limited, due to which the work of the teacher comes down to the mechanical performance of monotonous tasks in a common space without the ability to create a space for interaction between teachers and students.
The teacher has the opportunity to reinvent themselves by observing their own actions during their teaching activities and making changes they deem necessary to be perceived as more closely aligned with their profession. This involves continues interaction with other participants in the educational process, primarily students, while considering their potential for self-transform.
Research based on the cultural-historical paradigm and the theory of activity is a challenging task, but its contribution to the educational sphere is fundamental. From this perspective teaching and learning are viewed as a dialectical, dynamic and interrelated process involving two participants: the teacher and the student.
From a cultural-historical perspective, professional identity is shaped and destroyed through dynamic, active and transformative participation in the teaching-learning process.
Author Contributions
M.A.M.-G. and Y.S. designed and directed the project. M.A.M.-G. developed the theoretical framework, created the research questionnaire and performed the interviews. M.A.M.-G. and J.A.T.-L. analyzed the responses and elaborated the statistical analysis. All authors contributed to the witting of the final manuscript.
Conflict of Interest
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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